
The theme of the fifth edition of the International Multidisciplinary Health Congress is the ODS (Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável or Sustainable Development Goals) and Equity in the Universalization of Health. The aim is to promote a broad discussion on strengthening the SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) and public health policies.

The congress has a hybrid format, and there is no registration fee. The program is proudly partnered with the esteemed Regional Health Directorate (DRSIV) – Baixada Santista, with the strong support of the State University of Mato Grosso (Unemat), Unisinos, and the Santa Maria University Center. This support ensures the quality and relevance of the discussions and activities.

The articulation between teaching and service enables different perspectives on health, exchanging knowledge and experiences, providing opportunities for discussing healthcare models, and guaranteeing the population’s rights.