Scientific Production

Main Activities

Scientific Production

Besides individual publication (including by students), and the book Direitos Humanos e Meio Ambiente: Minorias Ambientais (Human Rights and Environment: Environmental Minorities), finalist of the 2018 Jabuti Award, the Research Group has published the following collective/edited works (eBooks and technical reports are freely available for downloads):

Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade em Juízo” (Human Rights and Vulnerability in Courts) (2016)

Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade em Políticas Públicas” (Human Rights and Vulnerability in Public Policies) (2017)

Refugiados’ Ambientais” (Environmental “Refugees” )(2018) – finalist of the 2019 ABEU Award (Applied Social Sciences)

Migrantes Forçad@s-conceitos e contextos” (Forced Migrants – concepts and contexts) (2018)

Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade e a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos” (Human Rights and Vulnerability and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) (2018)

Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade e o Direito Internacional Humanitário(Human Rights and Vulnerability and International Humanitarian Law) (2019)

Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade e a Agenda 2030(Human Rights and Vulnerability and the 2030 Agenda) (2020)

Direitos Humanos e COVID-19 – Impactos em Direitos e para Grupos Vulneráveis (Human Rights and COVID-19- Impacts on rights and on vulnerable groups) (2020- technical report

Direitos Humanos e COVID-19 – Respostas e Estratégias de Enfrentamento” (Human Rights and COVID-19- Responses and Strategies) (2020)- technical report

 Direitos Humanos e COVID-19 – Um ano depois” (Human Rights and COVID-19- one year later) (2021)- technical report

The Research Group is finalizing the bookDireitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade e o Direito Internacional dos Refugiados” (Human Rights and Vulnerability and International Refugee Law) to be published in 2021, and has started to work on its 2022 edited volume (“Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidade e Migrações Forçadas” – Human Rights and Vulnerability and Forced Migration)

The ebooks have been published by  Editora Leopoldianum e Editora da UFRR.


Outreach Activities

The themes of the Research Group are also found in the activities of the UNHCR Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair and of LARI- the International Relations Course Laboratory, which are part of UniSantos’ outreach activities