Courses and Events

The CSVM of UniSantos periodically organizes events. In the past, editions of the Porto Adentro (From the ports within) events with SESC-Santos can be highlighted. Annually (in June), an event to mark World Refugee Day tales place; since 2019 research workshops are held on this date so as to disseminate and share research being undertaken by persons with an academic connection to UniSantos. Since 2020, alongside these workshops, a webinar has been hosted on current topics on refuge, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on refugees (2020) and the integration of refugees in Brazil (2021). In 2021, there were also a webinar to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugee and a webinar to celebrate World Humanitarian Day, with talks from Brazilian women humanitarian workers that are staff members at international organizations.